vocabulary is the set of words within a language that are familiar to that person. A vocabulary usually develops with age, and serves as a useful and fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. Acquiring an extensive vocabulary is one of the largest challenges in learning a second language.
1. eye = mata
2. nose = hidung
3. mouth = mulut
4. ear = kuping
5. cheek = pipi
6. chin = dagu
7. nostril = lubang hidung
8. eyebrow = alis mata
forehead = dahi/jidat
hair = rambut
tooth = gigi
teeth = lebih dari satu gigi
temple area = pelipis mata
eyeball = bola mata
lips = bibir
shoulder (s) = bahu
neck = leher
arm (s) = lengan
chest = dada
hand = tangan
knee = lutut
leg = kaki (dari pangkal paha ke bawah)
foot = kaki
2 feet = 2 kaki
stomach = perut
nipple = puting
navel = pusar
throat = tenggorokan
head = kepala
elbow (s) = siku
back = punggung
bottom = pantat
thigh (s) = paha
calf/ calves = betis
heel(s) = tumit
ankle(s) = mata kaki
toe nail(s) = kuku jari kaki
big toe(s) = ibu jari kaki
little toe(s) = jari kelingking kaki
heel(s) = tumit
finger(s) = jari-jari tangan
finger nail(s) = kuku jari-jari tangan
little finger(s) = jari kelingking
ring finger(s) = jari manis
index finger(s) = telunjuk
middle finger(s) = jari tengah
knuckle(s) = tulang buku jari/buku jari
wrist(s) = pergelangan tangan.
Simple Straight Side Shapes
Rectangle Square
Simple Round Shapes
Circle Oval
Type of Triangle
3D Shapes
Mathematical Shapes
Paralellogram Pentagon
Hexagon Octagon
Miscellaneous Shape
Coffin Diamond
Heart Kite
Petal Shell
Tear Drop Star
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